+49- (0) 2432 89153-0

Heidelberg, Speedmaster SM 52-2

  • Referenz-Nr.:M6446
  • Manufacturer:Heidelberg
  • Type:Speedmaster SM 52-2
  • Year:1998
  • Size:370 x 520 mm
  • Delivery:Sofort
  • Price:on request
  • Description:
  • onpress center
  • prinect CP2000 Center
  • prinect prepress interface
  • remotely controllable pull lays
  • mediprint GS-30T
  • grafix alphatronic 200
  • short-path inking mode
  • autoplate with register system
  • program-controlled blanket and impression cylinder washup device
  • inking unit washup device
  • inking unit temperature control
  • automix
  • fully automatic perfecting device
  • perfectjacket plus
  • 0,6mm printing stock thickness

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